As the nominee I am supposed to pick five blogs that, based on their creativity, design, interesting material, and contribution to the blogging community, I think earn the award. I am listing their names and links to their blogs, on mine, and leave a comment on one of their posts to let them know I've nominated them! Each winner shows the award along with the name of the person who gave them the award with a link to their blog. Below are my nominations...
1... Jennifer Diercks at I got Stamps
2... Michelle Wooderson at Mish Mash
3... Patty Bennett at Patty's Stampin' Spot
4... Kristina Werner at KWerner Design
5... Taylor Van Bruggen at Taylored Expressions

I am HONORED to be included in such amazing company!! Thank you! I was also awarded this award last month and you can see my nominations here: http://pattystamps.typepad.com/pattys_stamping_spot/2008/04/one-of-the-firs.html Thank you again, Amy! Patty
Thanks so much for the nomination! You were actually nominated before too. LOL! - http://igotstamps.typepad.com/my_weblog/2008/04/time-for-a-birt.html
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